2 min read

4 Ways Lead Generation Companies Can Deal With Customer Objections

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by: Patrick Morrissey, Sales Manager, ConnectLeader

What’s the best comeback for an objection during the lead nurturing process? None! But there are ways to effectively address them.

There is a lot of great information on tips and best practices regarding handling objections in a lead nurturing process. Many of these techniques can be highly effective in addressing the objection and helping the customer to see the big picture. However, a main problem is that customers have probably encountered a lot of these sales lead generation practices before.

The sales rep can come off as being scripted and defensive when applying a lot of these techniques, especially before hearing the customer out. This can put the customer on defense, because they immediately feel the need to push back or simply bail out of the lead nurturing call altogether.

I have found the best ways to handle objections is--don’t try to handle them! Please note that this is not ignoring customer objections.

  1. It is more effective to wait until the customer is receptive to hearing the reply, rather than immediately challenging them.
  2. Understand their concern and then acknowledge that it is valid.
  3. Emphasize that you agree with the customer’s concerns. Whether their concern is based on accurate or inaccurate information, the concern itself is always valid.
  4. Be careful not to patronize the customer. Phrases such as, “I’m sorry that you feel that way,” are much worse than any canned objection response.

By acknowledging the validity of the concern and rewarding the customer for having it, the sales rep can build a bridge of understanding to jointly address the concern. Using simple phrases such as, “I know what you mean” and “yes, it is a substantial investment,” can go a long way in letting the customer know that you can have an open and safe conversation to get to the heart of the concern. At the very least, you are letting the customer know that you are not going to recite a canned objection reply most lead generation companies often use.

Once the customer knows that you understand and agree with their concern, they will typically ask you to address the objection. You may also be pleasantly surprised to find the customer helping address the objection or simply taking it off the table by themselves. Many times, customers simply need to talk through their concerns with someone who empathizes with them before determining whether or not the concern is a deal breaker. The last thing you want to do is interrupt the customer with a canned objection response!