2 min read

Oh No! You didn't make your inside sales quota! Now what?

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Imagine this....You are an inside sales rep and you have to sell $1 million dollars this year.  If not, that's it. You are history. No second chances.  Either make your quota or lose...  (you fill in the blank).

What would you do to make this goal?

Would you make a plan? Set more appointments? Work smarter? Work harder?

If you were given a year,  would you develop a plan? Make as many dials as possible? Would you try EXTREMELY hard?

or would you just try a little, wait for inbound leads  and referrals and hope for the best?   Would you watch the clock, research accounts, surf the net, look at your tweets? Not pick up the phone?

So here are some statistics to think about courtesy of CSO Insights:

  • 58% of sales reps make quota (down from 63% in 2012)
  • 25.2% of leads are generated by marketing
  • 45.9% of leads are generated by sales reps

What can you do now?

Stop depending on marketing and work harder to generate your own sales leads

Create a personal sales plan, don't wait for one to be created for you.

Take control of your inside sales process.

  1. Use a CRM to manage your sales process.

Do More

  • Make more phone calls
  • Send more emails
  • Get more referrals
  • Set more appointments
  • Make more demos
  • Generate more proposals
  • Close more deals.

Work smarter, not harder

Use sales acceleration tools to generate more leads, faster

Final Thoughts:

My first question is... what prevents sales reps from pushing the envelope without this type of motivation?  What holds you back?

If you can isolate this and figure it out,  you’ll achieve success.   Give it some thought and leave no stone unturned!

If you want to turn stones over faster…check out connectleader!

About the Author: Rick Hussey is an Inside Sales Rep for ConnectLeader. The comments included are Rick's and do not necessarily represent the views of the company. Although we totally agree with him.


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