9 min read

AI Flow Dialing: What Are The Advantages?

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Sales leaders, you’ve got some expensive personnel on your roster. The best Account Executives make six figures 👀– and they’re worth it for being closers, for getting those deals done.

What if you could help your very best sales team members be even better, with a tool that helps them do the chore that they often like the least: making calls📞.

It’s not that they don’t like the phone calls themselves. It’s all the manual chores around the calls that are a pain: organizing their list of who needs to be called that day or that week; making sure that the CRM is fully updated before and after; carving out the time in the day for manually dialing😢 and then not getting a live voice on the line even after an hour or more of effort

For these highly valuable employees, getting them a reasonably priced tool that eliminates the frustrating part of phone outreach is just smart sales team management.

The Dialing Workflow  

When considering a dialing solution for your sales team, it’s smart to understand the different qualities of auto-dialing platforms.  

For companies with large lists of prospects in a total addressable market of tens of thousands – and dedicated SDRs to make outbound calls to them, an AI Parallel Dialer that can speed through four-plus lines of phone numbers at the same time is an ideal solution. It takes on average 25-30 calls to reach a person who will answer. So, parallel power dialing will jump the productivity of an SDR’s day by five times or more, at minimum. That’s 5x more meetings set, 5X more demos scheduled, etc.  

But once the meetings are set, the demos scheduled, some discovery made – and the SDR does the handoff to the Account Exec Rep who will build the relationship and close the sale – that turbo-charged kind of calling needs to be replaced with a slower paced dialing solution, like an AI Flow Dialer.

Of course, many companies don’t use SDRs at all. They rely on their Account Execs to do all the prospecting and closing. These AEs have a heavy load on their plate. 

Full cycle sales professionals can get the best of both worlds, using a combo of Koncert’s AI Parallel dialer for dialing sessions to meet cold calling objectives and start setting up meetings and demos for follow up, and AI Flow Dialer for all the follow up. Both dialers have built-in organization that allows them to keep track of everything and show their management just how awesomely productive they can be. 

AI Flow Dialer Is Fast. But Not Super Fast 

Let’s say each Sales Account Exec at your firm has a list of 150 people they need to call each week. Sales has received leads from Marketing and also there are referrals and other sourced leads that the AE needs to get through, plus they have follow up calls to make from the week before. 

First of all, this requires a lot of organization. Making those lists, keeping them current; keeping track of which of those prospects they’ve previously spoken to; which said “yeah, let’s do a demo” that needs to be scheduled; which just haven’t picked up yet but must be called again because that lead is getting cold.  

Koncert’s AI Flow Dialer can easily do 50-70 dials in an hour. That is a lot of calls quickly. But it’s not blindingly fast, like our AI Parallel Dialer can do. In a two-hour dialing session, the AE can make dials to a whole week’s worth of phone numbers on their list. Let’s say 12 are answered calls out of the list of 150 on the first day of the week. Next day, the dialing session goes through 138 numbers. 16 answer. Every day, the list is whittled down, the call list is gone through, and the AE – and their management – can see the results.  

Integration’s role: Make it easy 

Meanwhile, because Koncert’s sales dialers have a native integration with Salesforce, the AE has not even had to leave the Salesforce page to start the dialer session. (Koncert also has excellent integrations with HubSpot, Outreach, and Salesloft.) The CRM page associated with that prospect phone number will automatically pop up on the screen when a person answers the call. The dialer pauses for the conversation. The CRM automatically logs that the call happened, the length and the disposition, so the AE doesn’t have to remember to fill in notes at the end of the day. When the call is done, the AE clicks and the dialer starts again.

The built-in integration and organization, and total ease of use is what makes Koncert AI Flow Dialer a winner with Account Execs.



How Sales Managers Use Flow Dialer 

Meanwhile, the boss can see everything related to those phone calls.

So often, sales leaders say to their AE team: “here’s our objectives, go after it!” And then not know anything more than the team member tells them during check-in calls. A week can go by without data.

What if management could open a report page in Koncert, and see every call made, to whom, how long it lasted, the disposition… in real time? Your AE is not an island, but part of a networked whole. You can coach them with solid data that you can both see and hear. For instance, you can go over recorded calls. You can even participate in live calls (using Whisper Mode in our Remote Coach® feature)

In this uncertain economy, large companies are cutting back on their SDR teams and relying on their AEs to do it all. AEs who are given tools to make their heavier workload easier have better morale and function better in their jobs. Sales engagement platforms powered by AI like Koncert’s dialers and Cadence are literally recruitment and retention tools for the best AEs.

Another built-in tool at Koncert is local caller ID management, to ensure that your AEs get a better connect rate and your company has insight into number usage, to protect your brand.

Koncert Dialers Save Time and Budget 

Bottom line: corporate budget realities mean that a relatively inexpensive product like AI Flow Dialer, that can add instantly measurable productivity improvements while not breaking the bank, are smart investments in the sales technology stack. Do you have a lot of AEs and a need to hire a few more? It would be smarter to give each AE an AI Flow Dialer seat and save tens of thousands of dollars on new personnel costs and ramp-up time. 

Koncert’s AI-Powered dialer platforms, with five different dialers to choose from, can be mixed-and-matched to meet whatever sales team workflows your company requires.

AI Parallel Dialer and AI Flow Dialer are ideal solutions for today’s large outbound sales efforts, in many industry verticals. Especially combined with our Cadence software that creates a complete Sales Engagement solution, Koncert’s products can increase your bottom line while saving major budget in new sales personnel. Check us out today with a demo👇 or see if you’re eligible for a free trial. 👍

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